Featured Plants

Puget Sound Landscaping started its first successful nursery in NE Olympia. Under the corporate umbrella, The Plant Place was established in December 2002 at a site south of the Olympia Airport. Designed and originally intended to provide plant material for our own use, we have worked hard to set up our facility to serve our retail and wholesale customers.
We have a sufficient inventory and quality to provide plants to the industry and homeowner. Our nursery site is a six-acre facility with field-grown trees, can lots, and 19 greenhouses. We carry a large variety of deciduous and evergreen trees, ornamental and native shrubs, perennials, ground covers, and woody, fruiting plants. We also have a selection of decorative ceramic planters and Permaloc aluminum garden edging. We ship trees and shrubs to locations outside the Olympia area within the State of Washington.
We welcome all of our retail customers to shop with us in Tumwater, which is open to the public.
Nursery address:
Tumwater, WA 98501
Monday - Friday
7:30am - 4:00pm
Mailing address:
PO Box 14699
Tumwater, WA 98511